Klimagerechtigkeit & soziale Gerechtigkeit für nachhaltige Zukünfte
Wege zum gerechten Übergang
What is climate justice? Why does it matter? And what can we do as individuals and communities to make sure that the hopeful, sustainable futures we want to create a fair to all? In this workshop, we’ll work on building our understanding of the idea of equality and equity and why they matter in the face of today’s sustainability challenges.
We’ll explore:
- How climate change affects different people, based on location, ethnicity, nationality, wealth, age, gender, health and other dimensions.
- Climate change perpetrators and victims
- What climate justice is and why it matters
- Climate justice solution: what needs to change in society to improve both environmental and human rights issues
- The role we can play in being part of the solution
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Wie, wo, wer?
- 2 Stunden
- Persönlich oder online
- Gruppen von bis zu 24 Personen
- Für Einzelpersonen, Fachleute, Universitäten, Schulen, Unternehmen, Gemeinden, Vereine.